Dear Sir,

from: Hakohen email
Our corporation, Promodes, is well known.

There is a paper money show here in Tel-Aviv on Dec. 25th and we need the notes by then. You should have told us about delays in checks, as we do not have Paypal and to obtain here a money order in foregin currency is complicated and
expensive. Of you cannot send the notes now, we understand, but will have to stop check and cancel. In future, if we will not need the notes urgently, then we would agree to waiting 25 days.
Thank you

I thank you very much for your kind offer. Unfortunately, I will have to cancel as I need these notes for the paper money show for a particular client who will be leaving Israel at end of January for a 2 year post in the Far East, so I would be stuck with these notes, as the market here for Colombian notes is non=existent.
Thank you


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