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France Banknote Gallery | French Banknotes For Sale

France 100 Francs 1998

Item Code: FR-158

Front: Paul Cézanne - French artist and painter (Aix en Provence 1839-1906); In the background, an evocation of
a painting made in 1978-79 "La mer à l'Estaque" (The Sea at Estaque); Characters from the painting "Joueurs de
cartes" (The Cardplayers), an iconic work by Cezanne (1892); Top left, a representation and a photo of the Jas de
Bouffan, paternal property of the artist; Under the watermark is the silhouette of Mount Sainte-Victoire; Back: An
interpretation of a still-life painting "Pommes et biscuits" (Apples & Biscuits); An evocation of the colour wheel
that recalls of Cezanne saying: "Les contrastes et les rapports de tons constituent le secret du dessin et du
modelé" (The contrasts and relations of tones is the secret of drawing and modeling); Completion of "The
Cardplayers" see-through effect; Watermark: Portrait of Paul Cézanne taken from a painting from around 1870;
Work by: Roger Pfund; Signatures: D. Bruneel, J. Bonnardin, Y. Barroux.

French Currency Gallery

This picture is for reference only. It may not be exactly the same image as the one
for sale in the
pricelist or this may be a gallery item (not for sale).

Original Size: 133 x 79 mm

Texts: Banque de France; Cent Francs; Le Secrétaire Général; Le Controleur Général; Le Caissier Général;
Le contrefaçon ou la falsification des billets de banque et la mise en circulation des billets contrefaits ou
falsifiés sont punies par les articles 442-1 et 442-2 du code pénal de peines pouvant aller jusqu'à trente ans de réclusion criminelle et trois millions de francs d'amende.

Microtext: The following two sentences of the painter are printed in microtext: "Le dessin et la couleur ne sont
pas distincts ; au fur et à mesure que l'on peint on dessine ; plus la couleur s'harmonise, plus le dessin se précise"
(Drawing and color are not separate; gradually as it is painted designs, more color harmonizes, the more accurate
the drawing is). Eight lines above the watermark read in microtext: "Avec pomme, je veux étonner Paris" (With apple,
I want to astonish Paris).

France Banknote Gallery | French Banknotes For Sale

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