Home :: World Banknotes - P :: Portugal :: Portugal 1000 Escudos 16.9.1980 (Sig: Nunes; Marques) (EPJ 041391) (lt. circulated) XF

Portugal 1000 Escudos 16.9.1980 (Sig: Nunes; Marques) (EPJ 041391) (lt. circulated) XF

Portugal 1000 Escudos 16.9.1980 (Sig: Nunes; Marques) (EPJ 041391) (lt. circulated) XF
Product Code:
30.00 ($ 31.50)
1000 Escudos 16.9.1980 (Obverse: Dom Pedro V (16 September 1837 – 11 November 1861) King of Portugal and the Algarves. Reverse: Conjoined heads of King Peter V and his wife Stephanie "Estefânia" von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Queen consort of Portugal. Ceremonial opening of the first railway line in Portugal in 1856. Watermark: Identical portrait of Don Pedro V. Predominant colour: Teal (Cyan, green-blue). Date on the banknote: 16 September 1980. Artist: Unknown. Signatures: Manuel Jacinto Nunes (Governor – O Governador); Walter Waldemar Pego Marques (Administrator – O Administrador). Issuer: Banco de Portugal. Total Emission: Pending. Demonetized: 31 October 1991. Material: Cotton fiber paper. Printer: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. Ltd., United Kingdom (BWC)) (Serial # EPJ 041391) (lightly circulated) XF

Dimensions: 164 x 82 mm

Catalogue Number: P-175b(4) (Albert Pick; Krause)

Grade/condition: Extremely Fine (XF) (lightly– circulated, used)

Texts: Banco de Portugal. Ch.11. Mil Escudos Ouro. One Thousand Golden Escudos. Lisboa, 16 de Setembro de 1980.