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Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Central African States,
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CABO VERDE is currently listed under "CAPE VERDE"

CAMBODIA (Kambodscha, Cambodge, Kampuchea, Campuchea)

KH-4c      1 Riel (1972) (boats; dockside in port; royal palace)     1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ha10/1774xx)
KH-5d      20 Riels (1972) (combine harvester; Silver Pagoda)        5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Na2/3873xx)
KH-7d      50 Riels (1972) (Fishermen; Angkor Wat) (stains) UNC-     2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
KH-8c      100 Riels (1972) (Face of Boddhisattva Lokesvara) Sig.13  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (To4/912xxx)
KH-10c     5 Riels (1972) (Four faces, Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom)  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ngo3/1917xx)
KH-12b     100 Riels (1972) (Prasat Preah Vihear; aerial view)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ño1/8575xx)
KH-13b     100 Riels ND(1972) (two oxen; women)                      2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Po1/2746xx)
KH-14d     500 Riels (1972) (water buffalo; pagoda) (no tears) F-VF  8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ngo.133/13235182)
KH-15a     100 Riels (1973) (Carpet weaving; Angkor Wat) (edge st)   2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka1/7725xx)
KH-16b     500 Riels (1975) (Girl w/vessel; rice paddy) (Sig.15) AU  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
KH-17-st   1000 Riels (1973) (School kids; Lokesvara) corner stain   1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ca1/0403xx) AU-UNC
KH-17      1000 Riels (1973) (School kids; Bodhisattva Lokesvara)    2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Tha1/1571xx) AU-UNC
KH-17A     5000 Riels (1973) (Krom Ngoy; National Bank) AU-UNC       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Kho1/3465xx)
KH-25      0.1 Riel (1 Kak) 1979 (water buffalos; palms)             1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HU43924xx)
KH-27      0.5 Riel (5 Kak) 1979 (train; fishing scene)              1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DaKha85963xx)
KH-29      5 Riels 1979 (Professionals; Independence Monument)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
KH-31      20 Riels 1979 (Arms; Water buffalos; logging scene)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NgoDo17335xx)
KH-32      50 Riels 1979 (Bayon stone head; Angkor Wat)              2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DoDa70956xx)
KH-34      10 Riels 1987 (Harvesting scene; school yard scene)       1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NaKo10224xx)
KH-37      200 Riels 1992 (flood gates; Four Faces, Bayon Temple)    2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaKo93201xx)
KH-38      500 Riels 1991 (Angkor Wat; cultivating with tractors)    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaTha58517xx) AU-UNC
KH-40      2000 Riels 1992 (Norodom Sihanouk; Preah Vihear temple)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaKha 93064xx)
KH-44      1000 Riels (1995) (Four faces, Bayon; Royal Palace)       4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AO 01481xx)
KH-47b(2)  10000 Riels 1998 (Four Faces; N-m Sihanouk; Longboat)    15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D4 3129131) (Sig.17: Chanto; Seng)
KH-50      100000 Riels (1995) (Sihanouk and First Lady; homage)    60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G1/1181034)
KH-52      50 Riels 2002 (Banteay Srei Temple; Tek Thla sluice gate) 1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaKo69538xx)
KH-53      100 Riels 2001 (Independence monument; pupils and school) 1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NoBo61406xx)
KH-54b     500 Riels 2004 (Angkor Wat; Kizuna bridge across Mekong)  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NgoTha63083xx)
KH-55c     5000 Riels 2004 (HM Norodom Sihanouk; antique bridge)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Kha3/43618xx)
KH-58a     1000 Riels 2005 (Victory Gate at Angkor Thom; seaport)    2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaTha61909xx)
KH-59a     2000 Riels 2007 (Preah Vihear temple; rice farmers)       3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Kha? 00584xx)
KH-61a     50000 Riels 2013 (Norodom Sihanouk; Bakong; elephant)    35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ngo9 1726911)
KH-62a     100000 Riel 2012 (Norodom Sihanouk; Monineath; Sihamoni) 70.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka3 6092206)
KH-65      100 Riels 2014 (Norodom Sihanouk; Silver Pagoda; Buddha)  1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (..378010x)
KH-65A     200 Riels 2022 (Norodom Sihamoni; Royal Palace; Sisowath) 1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaKa 28992xx)
KH-66      500 Riels 2014 (Norodom Sihamoni; Tsubasa, Kizuna brdg)   2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (..70467xx)
KH-67      1000 Riels 2016 (Norodom Sihanouk; Royal Palace; Kinnara) 3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaPho 71327xx)
KH-67      1000 Riels 2016 (Norodom Sihanouk; Royal Palace; Kinnara) 3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KaKa  99178xx)
KH-67A     2000 Riels 2022 (Norodom Sihamoni; Sambor Prei Kuk)       4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka1 20539xx)
KH-67A     2000 Riels 2022 (Norodom Sihamoni; Sambor Prei Kuk)       4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka1 19451xx)
KH-68      5000 Riels 2015 (Norodom Sihanouk; Kampong Kdei bridge)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka1 06607xx)
KH-68      5000 Riels 2015 (Norodom Sihanouk; Kampong Kdei bridge)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ngo6 08364xx)
KH-69      10000 Riels 2015 (Norodom Sihamoni; Neak Pean; Balaha)    8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Kha4 11777xx)
KH-70      20000 Riels 2017 (Norodom Sihamoni; Banteay Srey Temple) 15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Kha8 72532xx)
KH-72      15000 Riels 2019 (Norodom Sihamoni; Monineath; Sihanouk) 12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka1 156850xx)
KH-73      30000 Riels 2021 (N. Sihanouk; Hun Sen; Eiffel Tower)    25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Ka3 3011584x)

CAMEROON (Cameroun, Kamerun)

CM-10      100 Francs 1962 (President Ahidjo; Rhumsiki; ships) VF  150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V.11/027064501)
CM-15d     500 Francs 1.1.1983 (woman; students; carvings) UNC-     35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A.16/037525724)
CM-17c     5000 Francs (1974) (Ahidjo; industry) (sig.12) Fine      40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P.7/016425653)
CM-201Eb   500 Francs 1994 (Zebus; herdsman; Kota mask; antelopes)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (94063861xx)
CM-207Uc   1000 Francs 2002 (2010) (forest logging; farming scene)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (4170085xx)
CM-208Ud   2000 Francs 2002 (2010) (dam; girl; mining) UNC-         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (3412397xx)
CM-209Ub   5000 Francs 2002 (2007) (ships; port; oil refinery)      45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (304188531)
CM-209Uc   5000 Francs 2002 (2011)(ships in port; oil refinery)     30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (U 601151xxx)
CM-210Ud   10000 Francs 2002 (2010) (transport; communication)      75.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (U 570248667)
CM-210Ud   10000 Francs 2002 (2011) (Transport & communication)     50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (U 933500725)

CANADA (Kanada)

Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada

CA-66a     1 Dollar 1954 (QEII "Devil's Face"; prairie scene) VF    30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F/A0743040)
CA-66a     1 Dollar 1954 (EII "Devil's Face"; prairie scene) VF-XF  40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/A3514451)
CA-66b     1 Dollar 1954 (QEII "Devil's Face"; prairie scene) AU    60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R/A0441751)
CA-68a     5 Dollars 1954 (QEII "Devil's Face"; Otter Falls) VF     45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A/C8156924)
CA-76d     2 Dollars 1954 (1973-75) (QEII; Quebec scenery) AU-UNC   55.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V/G1488123)
CA-77b     5 Dollars 1954 (Queen Elizabeth II; Otter Falls) VF      35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N/X4150005)
CA-77c     5 Dollars 1954 (1972) (QEII; Otter Falls) UNC-           75.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T/X6751833)
CA-79a     10 Dollars 1954 (1955-61) (QEII; Rocky Mountains) UNC    95.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/T1498157)
CA-80b     20 Dollars 1954 (1961-70) (QEII; Laurentian hills) aAU  100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/W5636912)
CA-85a     1 Dollar 1973 (QEII; Parliament; Ottawa river) AU-UNC     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AW0232241)(two letter prefix)
CA-85ar    1 Dollar 1973 (QEII; Parliament; Ottawa river) VF        10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (REPLACEMENT # *OG6339907)(Sig.: Lawson, Bouey)
CA-85c     1 Dollar 1973 (QEII; Parliament; Ottawa river) AU         4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (serial # vary)
CA-85c     1 Dollar 1973 (QEII; Parliament; Ottawa river) UNC        4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BFA98772xx)
CA-102Ab   10 Dollars 2005 (Sir J.A. MacDonald) holografic stripes  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BTC5974443)
CA-108a    20 Dollars 2012 (Her Majesty QEII; Vimy Memorial)        32.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BSD0080748)
CA-113a    10 Dollars 2018 (Viola Desmond; Human Rights Museum)     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FTY8339062) Sig: Wilkins; Poloz

CAPE VERDE (Cabo Verde, Kabo Werde, Kapverden)

CV-55      500 Escudos 20.1.1977 (shark; A. Cabral; Praia harbour)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/4 063623)
CV-59      500 Escudos 20.1.1989 (A. Cabral; Mindelo port shipyard) 30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EV799709)
CV-60      1000 Escudos 20.1.1989 (Amilcar Cabral; insects)         35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KQ751810)
CV-61      2500 Escudos 20.1.1989 (A. Cabral; National Assembly)    95.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (LP800276)
CV-64b     500 Escudos 1.7.2002 (da Silva; Mindelo port shipyard)   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JQ285905)
CV-68      200 Escudos 20.1.2005 (Sailship "Ernestina"; airport)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (LP5404xx)
CV-72      500 Escudos 5.7.2014 (Jorge Barbosa; Poilão Dam)         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CK515363)
CV-73      1000 Escudos 5.7.2014 (Codé di Dona; Ferrinho)           27.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EB414949)

CAYMAN ISLANDS (Kaiman-Inseln, Caimanes)

KY-19      25 Dollars 1996 (QEII; shells; map; compass; coral)     125.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B/I 601911)
KY-20      100 Dollars 1996 (QEII; seashells; coral; George Town)  400.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B/I 251762)
KY-25      100 Dollars 1998 (QEII; schooner; coral; George Town)   365.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/I 001211)
KY-29      50 Dollars 2001 (QEII; seashells; traditional house)    225.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/I 000771)
KY-31      25 Dollars 2003 (QEII; shells; map; compass; coral)      95.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/I 999959)
KY-32b     50 Dollars 2003 (QEII; seashells; traditional house)    200.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/2 000511)
KY-33d     1 Dollar 2006 (QEII; treasure chest; fish; coral)         7.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/7 5272xx)
KY-34b     5 Dollars 2005 (QEII; schooner; George Town; coral)      25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/2 0007xx)
KY-35      10 Dollars 2005 (QEII; treasure chests; coral; beach)    40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/I 9992xx)
KY-36      25 Dollars 2006 (QEII; shells; map; compass; coral)      85.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/2 0002xx)
KY-37      100 Dollars 2006 (QEII; schooner; coral; George Town)   340.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C/I 500219)

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Zentralafrikanische Republik, Empire Centrafricain)

CF-14c     500 Francs 1.1.1987 (Wood statuette; vase; wood carver)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R.02/04111093x)
CF-302Ff   1000 Francs 1999 (coffee bean harvesting; tree logging)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F 99093829xx)
CF-303Ff   2000 Francs 1999 (Woman; tropical fruits; harbour scene) 30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F 9906370370)

CENTRAL AFRICAN STATES (États de l'Afrique Centrale)

Member countries and control letters (1993-2002) on banknotes:

Cameroon - E
Central African Republic - F
Chad - P
Congo - C
Equatorial Guinea - N
Gabon - L

Member countries and control letters (2002-) on banknotes:

Cameroon - U
Central African Republic - M
Chad - C
Congo - T
Equatorial Guinea - F
Gabon - A

CEYLON (Sri Lanka, Shri Lanka)

Central Bank of Ceylon

LK-72Ab    2 Rs. 26.8.1977 (Parakramabahu I; Medirigiriya Vatadage) 12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E/355 300580)
LK-80Aa    100 Rupees 27.8.1974 (President Bandaranaike) UNC       150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (W/75 35511)
LK-83      2 Rupees 26.3.1979 (fish; lizard; butterfly)             10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A/32 4532xx)
LK-87      50 Rupees 26.3.1979 (Fauna and flora of Ceylon) XF-AU    85.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T/14 581302)
LK-94      50 Rupees 1.1.1982 (Raja Maha Vihare in Kelaniya; ruins) 15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H/23 9777xx)

For More CEYLON related banknotes go to SRI LANKA.

CHAD (Tschad, Tchad) (Equatorial African States)

TD-604Pe   5000 Francs 1999 (Oil rig and cotton workers)            50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P 9924916120)

CHILE (Cile)

CL-110     5 Pesos = 1/2 Condor (1947-58) (Bernardo O'Higgins) AU    3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G86/0871xx) (Maschke & Herrera sig.)
CL-111-2   10 Pesos = 1 Condor (1947-58) (Manuel Bulnes) AU          4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies) (Maschke & Herrera sig.)
CL-120     10 Pesos = 1 Condor (1958-59) (Manuel Bulnes) UNC         5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CL-126b    5 Centesimos de Escudo on 50 Pesos (1960-61)(A. Pinto)    4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CL-136     1 Escudo (1964) (Arturo Prat; Founding of Santiago)       4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P5/10989xx)
CL-138     5 Escudos ND(1964) (Manuel Bulnes; Battle of Rancagua)    7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E12/09200xx)
CL-141a    100 Escudos ND(1962-75) (Manuel Rengifo; sailing ships)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B12/08597xx)
CL-143-1   10 Escudos (1967-76) (J.M. Balmaceda; Peace of Maipu)     6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A7/04059xx) (Cuevas & Meza sig.)
CL-143-2   10 Escudos (1967-76) (J.M. Balmaceda; Peace of Maipu)     6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A2/18478xx) (Quijada & Orrego sig.)
CL-147b    5000 Escudos ND(1967-) (Carrera Pinto; Carrera House)     8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B16/01794xx)
CL-148a    10000 Escudos (1967-) (O'Higgins; Battle of Rancagua)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A27/14148xx)
CL-163a    5000 Pesos 2009 (Gabriela Mistral; La Campana Nat. Pk.)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BA01694313)

CHINA (Chine, Cina, Kina, Xina, Txina, Hiina, Tsina, Sina, Chiny, Çin)

Bank of China

CN-66a     5 Yuan 1926 (Beihai Park; Concordia Club) VG-F           99.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A708242A) Sig: Chang Kia-ngau; Tsuyee Pei (Bei Ziyi)
CN-66b     5 Yuan 1926 (Beihai Park; Concordia Club) VG-F           99.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B394459A) Sig: Chang Kia-ngau; Tsuyee Pei (Bei Ziyi)
CN-69      10 Yuan Oct. 1930 (Temple of Confucius) Fine             99.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (152362) Sig: Chang Kia-ngau; Huang Pei Chuan
CN-70b     5 Yuan Jan. 1931 (Altar of Heaven; BOC Tianjin) F-VF     25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (J270145) Signatures: Song Hanzhang; Bian Baimei
CN-80      5 Yuan 1937 (Sun Yat-sen; Bank) (2 pch, edge cnks) AU     8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BH341317)
CN-81      10 Yuan 1937 (Sun Yat-sen; Bank of China) VF              7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BS800911)
CN-81      10 Yuan 1937 (Sun Yat-sen; Bank of China) XF             10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BG314459)
CN-84      5 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven in Beijing)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B686443)
CN-85b     10 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) XF          10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D034796H)
CN-87c     50 Yuan 1940 (SYS; Temple of Heaven) (edge st) aXF       25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (L239710A)
CN-88b     100 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) VF         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B387397A)
CN-88b     100 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) VF         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B912365A)
CN-88b     100 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) VF         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Q717612)
CN-88b     100 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) XF-AU      40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Z383547)
CN-88c     100 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; Temple of Heaven) F-VF       15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E255968)

Bank of Communications

CN-159a    10 Yuan 1941 (Steam passenger train) AU-UNC              35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C962935)
CN-159f    10 Yuan 1941 (Steam passenger train) AU                  30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (w/o ser#)
CN-160     25 Yuan 1941 (Transportation; generator) RARE AU-       850.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N418841) Large Front Large Back (Photo is marked against copying)
CN-161a    50 Yuan 1941 (Trains, Steamships, sailboats) VF          50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G182498)

The Central Bank of China

CN-176b    10 Dollars 1923 (Sun Yat-sen) F-VF                       25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (253409)
CN-197h    10 Dollars 1928 (Sun Yat-sen on reverse) AU-UNC          20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SX006872MW)
CN-197h    10 Dollars 1928 (Sun Yat-sen on reverse) UNC-            20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SX431550QF)
CN-198c    50 Dollars 1928 (Sun Yat-sen on reverse) XF+             45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SL778368N)
CN-198f    50 Dollars 1928 (Sun Yat-sen on reverse) XF              35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SL415203AZ)
CN-198unl  50 Dollars 1928 (Sun Yat-sen on reverse) VG              50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SL156275T)
CN-200d    5 Dollars 1930 (Sun Yat-sen; SYS Mausoleum) (bld st) AU  35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P089360A)
CN-200f    5 Dollars 1930 (Sun Yat-sen; SYS Mausoleum) XF+          25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G900030F)
CN-202     10 Cents = 1 Chiao (1931) (Temple) AU-UNC                 8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CN-212c    1 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; entrance gate; trees) AU-UNC   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (621823 K/G)
CN-213a    5 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; trees) (minor edge fx) XF       8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V740743 Z/M)
CN-214a    10 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; entrance gate; trees) (ch) F   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (X186465 Y/B)
CN-217a    5 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; Dacheng Hall in Qufu) AU       15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/X 122820V)
CN-218a    10 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; Dacheng Hall in Qufu) XF-AU   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E/T 670298X)
CN-220a    100 Yuan 1936 (Sun Yat-sen; Dacheng Hall, Qufu) AU-UNC   90.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B/K 491336C)
CN-225a    5 Cents (1939) (Pagoda; coin) AU-UNC                     12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CN-226     10 Cents 1940 (Sun Yat-sen) AU                           10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C878618V)
CN-228     10 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen) VG-F                           5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A251212Y)
CN-228     10 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen) XF+                           12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Q613264B)
CN-235     5 Yuan 1941 (Sun Yat-sen) VF                              8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BV410186)
CN-243a    100 Yuan 1941 (Sun Yat-sen) (light staining) VF-XF       10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D/D 433120)
CN-245a    10 Yuan 1942 (Sun Yat-sen; Great Wall; bugler) VF-XF     40.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BB979629) Sig: Siufeng Huang; Li Jue (D.L. Lichia)
CN-245c    10 Yuan 1942 (Sun Yat-sen; Great Wall; bugler) XF-AU     30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (RU716886) Sig: Tian Yimin; Li Junyao
CN-247     10 Yuan 1942 (Paifang (Pailou) style gate) Fine          30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE726333)
CN-248     20 Yuan 1942 (Paifang gate) (tape residue on back) VG-F  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P149249)
CN-249a    100 Yuan 1942 (Paifang Pailou style gate) VG-F           25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EX436351)
CN-251     500 Yuan 1942 (Sun Yat-sen; steam ship; boats) (stns) VF 25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G/N 586441) Sig: Tian Yimin; Li Junyao
CN-260A    100 Yuan 1944 (Sun Yat-sen) (tape residue on sides) aXF  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CW623448)
CN-263     400 Yuan (1944) (Sun Yat-sen) VF-XF  RARE               150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D117908)
CN-269     1000 Yuan (1944) (Sun Yat-sen) VF-XF  RARE              100.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T720843)
CN-293     1000 Yuan (1945) (Sun Yat-sen) F-VF                      25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BB171389)
CN-323b    10 Cents 1930 (Sun Yat-sen) Fine                         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R587653)
CN-325d    1 Customs Gold Unit 1930 (Sun Yat-sen) (tape residue) F  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MA334543)
CN-326d    5 Customs Gold Units 1930 (Sun Yat-sen) VF                6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (XF685798)
CN-327d    10 C.G.U. 1930 (Sun Yat-Sen; Customs House) XF            8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UM523912)
CN-327d    10 C.G.U. 1930 (Sun Yat-Sen; Customs House) (mnr st) AU  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GL000387)
CN-328     20 C.G.U. 1930 (Sun Yat-Sen; Customs House) XF            8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UD220143)
CN-361     5000 C.G.U. 1948 (Sun Yat-Sen; Customs House) XF         20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (YL857103A)
CN-380a    500 Yuan 1946 (Nine NE Provinces) (city gate) VF-XF      10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CN-380b    500 Yuan 1947 (Nine NE Provinces) (city gate) XF         17.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (PF731797)
CN-381     500 Yuan 1946 (Nine NE Provinces) (Gate; Great Wall) XF  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies)
CN-390-1   10 Yuan 1945 (Chiang Kai-shek; river bridge) VF          10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (#varies) (Lee Chun-yiu + O.K. Yui signatures)
CN-390-2   10 Yuan 1945 (Chiang Kai-shek; river bridge) VF          12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H277641) (Lee Chun-yiu + H.H. Kung signatures) Scarce
CN-390-3   10 Yuan 1945 (Chiang Kai-shek; river bridge) VF          20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ZC040862) (Ping Liang + O.K. Yui signatures) Rare
CN-411     1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (CK-Shek; Memorial Hall) VF-XF       20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (064052/2-B)
CN-413     1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (Chiang Kai-Shek; Central Bank) AU   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CP233462)
CN-416     10000 Gold Yuan 1949 (Chiang Kai-Shek; Bridge) VF-XF     27.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (578908/1-J)
CN-439     1 Silver Dollar 1949 (Sun Yat-sen; Junk ship) XF-AU      30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (459051/2-B)
CN-440     1 Silver Dollar 1949 (Sun Yat-sen; Junk ship) AU-UNC     55.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (063589/1-J)
CN-443     5 Silver Dollars 1949 (Sun Yat-sen; Junk ship) XF        45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (215242/1-E)
CN-447b    10 Silver Dollars 1949 (Sun Yat-sen) (2 edge rs) UNC-    60.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (170652/1-B)

The Farmers Bank of China

CN-464     10 Yuan 1940 (Farmer irrigating rice field) VF           30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CX 320579)
CN-477b    100 Yuan 1941 (River bridge; bridge) Fine                25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (L035032)

People's Bank of China

CN-860c    1 Fen 1953 (Produce truck) (Control Nº: V I)              1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
CN-861b    2 Fen 1953 (Airplane) (Control Nº: VI V II)               1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
CN-862b    5 Fen 1953 (Cargo ship) (Control Nº: IV III III)          1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (IV III III)
CN-862b    5 Fen 1953 (Cargo ship) (Control Nº: II III III)          1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
CN-867     2 Yuan 1953 (Pagoda; ruins) SCARCE. XF                  250.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (VIII VII IX 0859344)
CN-874c    1 Yuan 1960 (tractorist; sheep; shepherd; mountains)     25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (III II 094318xx)
CN-880c    5 Jiao 1972 (women working in textile factory)            6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V VII II 22634xx)
CN-881a    1 Jiao 1980 (Taiwanese men)                               0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CG730830xx)
CN-882     2 Jiao 1980 (Bouyei and Korean youth)                     0.80  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (RB299755xx)
CN-883a    5 Jiao 1980 (Miao and Zhuang children)                    1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BO554307xx)
CN-884a    1 Yuan 1980 (Dong & Yao girls; Great Wall of China)       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (PJ081724xx)
CN-884b    1 Yuan 1990 (Dong & Yao girls; Great Wall of China)       2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (IO675269xx)
CN-884c    1 Yuan 1996 (Dong & Yao girls; Great Wall of China)       1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DY127232xx)
CN-885b    2 Yuan 1990 (Hyger & Ye Yien; shoreline)                  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (SH475387xx)
CN-886     5 Yuan 1980 (Tibetan & Muslim; Yangtze Gorges)            6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (PM823797xx)
CN-887     10 Yuan 1980 (Han & Mongolian; mountains)                 8.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NR905065xx)
CN-895a    1 Yuan 1999 (Mao Tse-tung; lanterns in water)             2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AP592974xx)
CN-895b    1 Yuan 1999 (Mao Tse-tung; lanterns in water)             1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (Q9X12239xx)
CN-903     5 Yuan 2005 (Mao Tse-tung; mountains; rising sun)         2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (OT511872xx)
CN-904     10 Yuan 2005 (Mao Tse-tung; Three Gorges of Yangtze)      4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BL456984xx)
CN-905     20 Yuan 2005 (Mao Tse-tung; Li River hills near Yangshuo) 6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (UB200934xx)
CN-906     50 Yuan 2005 (Mao Tse-tung; Potala in Tibet)             15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AX413547xx)
CN-907     100 Yuan 2005 (Mao Tse-tung; Hall of the People)         29.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (N7L2635649)

Republic of China - Taiwan (click to go to Taiwan, R.O.C. listing)

The Central Reserve Bank of China ("Japanese Puppet Banks")

CN-J12d    10 Yuan 1940 (Sun Yat-sen; SYS Mausoleum) "202" VG-F     25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (M/S 670732U)
CN-J37b    10000 Yuan 1944 (Sun Yat-sen; SYS Mausoleum) VF         150.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (P/C 792193 L)

The Federal Reserve Bank of China ("Japanese Puppet Banks")

CN-J89     500 Yuan (1945) (Temple of Heaven) Fine                  70.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0810106)

Mengchiang Bank (Japanese Puppet Banks)

CN-J112    100 Yuan (1938) (Pavilion gazebo; camel) F-VF            30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] ((8)19437)

Japanese Military WWII - Japanese Imperial Government

CN-M25a    5 Yen (1938) (Kitano Shrine; Sugawara no Michizane) VG-F 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

The Amoy Industrial Bank

CN-S1659/8 50 Cents (1940) (Temple) The Amoy Industrial Bank        10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A0734xxA)

Provincial Bank of Kwang Tung Province

CN-S2402b  5 Dollars 1.1.1918 (Zhenhai Tower, Guangzhou) F-VF       25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (310401)

The Kwangtung Provincial Bank

CN-S2421a  1 Dollar Local Currency 1931 (Sun Yat-sen; bank) aVF     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FA111776)
CN-S2421d  1 Dollar Local Currency 1931 (Sun Yat-sen; bank) VF      20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (TA631545)
CN-S2422d  5 Dollars Local Currency 1931 (Sun Yat-sen) AU-UNC       75.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (X376374)
CN-S2425c  1 Dollar Nat/Loc Currency 1931 (SYS, Memorial Hall) VG-F 20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A894612)
CN-S2436a  10 Cents 1935 (Sun Yat-sen; Sampan boats) minor st/edge  50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D6168xx)
CN-S2443   5 Dollars (1936) (River scene) Kwangtung (2ph) VF        35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A695009)
CN-S2456   1 Yuan 1949 (Sun Yat-sen) Kwangtung Provincial Bank       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BA 3169xx)
CN-S2456   1 Yuan 1949 (Sun Yat-sen) Kwangtung Provincial Bank       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AS 0831xx)
CN-S2457   5 Yuan 1949 (Sun Yat-sen) Kwangtung Provincial Bank      10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AK 7940xx)
CN-S2458   10 Yuan 1949 (Sun Yat-sen) Kwangtung Prov. Bank. AU+     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AN 8987xx)

The Shantung Min Sheng Bank

CN-S2731   10 Cents 1936 (sampan sailboats on a lake)  XF           30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D3504252)

Collection (below) of 60 picturesque all different food ration
money, rice or grain coupons (20th century - 1970s through 1990s).
Scenic, agricultural, industrial, educational, cultural, historical,
military and other scenes on 55 coupons and the other five coupons
are without illustrations. Some coupons are watermarked. Some
coupons may have some ink or oil spots, stains or smears.
Overall condition (grade): UNC (some XF-to-UNC).

Depicted are some of the 60 money coupons included in the set.

These food ration money coupons (rice coupons; grain coupons)
allow the bearer to buy a certain amount/weight of rationed
foodstuffs. Rationed foodstuffs included rice, flour and cooking
oils. These coupons are called LIANGPIAO (grain and commodity
ration coupons).

The average ration was 15 kilograms for a man and 13 kilograms
for a woman each month, though it varied somewhat with age,
profession and location. Meat was much scarcer and it was rationed
at Ban Jin (0.25 kilogram or about half pound) per person per month.

These coupons were given per person, no matter how poor or rich
that person was, therefore these food ration coupons (also known
as: rice coupons) are much scarcer than Chinese Yuan banknotes.

The "Rice Coupon" set contains ration coupons from and issued by
the following provinces, cities and localities:

Anyang prefecture (Henan province)
Bayanzhuoer (Inner Mongolia)
Benxi (a city in Liao Ning province)
Chengdu (the capital of Sichuan province)
Hebi (a city in Henan province)
Heilongjiang province
Hejia (a small county in Henan province)
Henan province
Jiamushi (a city in Inner Mongolia)
Jilin province
Jingzhou (a city in Liaoning province)
Liaoning province
NingXia province
Qinghai (Tsinghai) province
Shanxi province
Sinkiang (Xinjiang) Autonomous region (also bearing Arabic script)
Wuhan (the capital of Hebei province)
Xiangfan (a city in Hebei province)
Xining (the capital of Qinghai province)
XinXiang (a city in Henan province)
Yangzhou (a famous city in Jiangsu province)

CN-RC60    Collection of 60 different ration coupons (20th century) 20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

Collection (below) of 9 illustrated all different food ration money,
rice or grain coupons all from Nanbu County, Sichuan Province (20th
century - all dated 1988).

These food ration money coupons (rice coupons; grain coupons) used
to allow the bearer to buy a certain amount/weight of rationed
foodstuffs. Rationed foodstuffs included rice, flour and cooking
oils. These coupons are called LIANGPIAO (grain and commodity
ration coupons).

The average ration was 15 kilograms for a man and 13 kilograms
for a woman each month, though it varied somewhat with age,
profession and location. Meat was much scarcer and it was rationed
at Ban Jin (0.25 kilogram or about half pound) per person per month.

These coupons were given per person, no matter how poor or rich
that person was, therefore these food ration coupons (also known
as: rice coupons) are much scarcer than Chinese Yuan banknotes.

CN-RC9     Collection of 9 different ration coupons (Nanbu county)   5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]

Commemorative Notes - Private Releases (Limited prints)

CN-RUWC    100 Yuan 2018 (FIFA World Cup - Russia 2018) UV1/UV2      5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FIFA888811xx) (Size: 150x65mm)
CN-TXZ100  100 Yuan 2016 (400th Anniv. of Death of Tang Xianzu)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (TXZ888800xx)

Heaven or Hell Money - Joss Paper Notes - Yuanbao - Grave Offerings

CN-YB500M  500 Million Yuan (Jade Emperor; The Eight Immortals)      1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A9 999) (Size: 176x96mm)

For Republic of China - Taiwan banknotes please see Taiwan. For currency of Macau see Macao.
For all Hong Kong banknotes please see Hong Kong. For all the currency of Tibet see Tibet.


COLOMBIA (Kolumbien, Colombie)

CO-404d    1 Peso Oro 1.2.1968 (Simon Bolivar; General Santander)    5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (529977xx)
CO-406f    5 Pesos Oro 1.1.1981 (Jose Maria Cordoba; Cartagena)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (00312xxx)
CO-407g    10 Pesos 7.8.1980 (General Antonio Nariño; San Agustin)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (684943xx)
CO-409d    20 Pesos Oro 1.1.1983 (F. Jose de Caldas; Museo del Oro)  4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (059513xx)
CO-413a    2 Pesos Oro 1.1.1973 (P. Salavarrieta; Muisca raft)       5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (769147xx)
CO-418a    100 Pesos Oro 1.1.1977 (Gen. Santander; Capitol Bogota)  10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (1808666xx)
CO-425b    50 Pesos Oro 1.1.1986 (Camilo Torres; Orchidea flowers)   3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (179610xx)
CO-426b    100 Pesos 12.10.1985 (General Nariño; Villa de Leyva)     3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (975157xx)
CO-429A    200 Pesos Oro 10.8.1992 (Jose Celestino Mutis; Bogota)    4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (013891xx)
CO-431     500 Pesos Oro 12.10.1990 (Santander; Casa de Moneda)      5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (673485xx)
CO-431A    500 Pesos Oro 4.1.1993 (Santander; Casa de Moneda Bogota) 4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (461806xx)
CO-432A    1000 Pesos Oro 31.1.1992 (Simon Bolivar; 1819 battle)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (944451xx)
CO-433a    2000 Pesos 17.12.1986 (Simon Bolivar; Paso del Paramo)    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (068866xx)
CO-433Aa   2000 Pesos 2.3.1992 (Simon Bolivar; Paso del Paramo)      8.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (609180xx)
CO-438     1000 Pesos Oro 2.10.1995 (Simon Bolivar; 1819 battle)     7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (964738xx)
CO-450i    1000 Pesos 3.3.2005 (Jorge Eliecer Gaitan; crowd)         3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (952895xx)
CO-456f    1000 Pesos 9.11.2006 (Jorge Eliecer Gaitan; crowd)        3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (803647xx)
CO-458a    2000 Pesos 19.8.2015 (D.A. Pérez; Caño Cristales river)   3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA443122xx)(Sig.: José Darío Uribe Escobar; José Tolosa Buitrago)
CO-458d    2000 Pesos 24.7.2018 (D.A. Pérez; Caño Cristales river)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BB800349xx)(Sig.: Echavarria & Ocampo)

COMOROS (Komoren, Comores)

KM-10a     500 Francs (1986) (women; boats; beach; palm trees) sig  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0044534xx)
KM-10b     500 Francs (2004) (women; boats; beach; palm trees) sig  22.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (V.07/499xx)
KM-11b     1000 Francs (2004) (women; shoreline; palms) sig         50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B.06/533xx)
KM-12a     5000 Francs (1984) (mosque; Saïd Mohamed Cheik) AU-UNC  125.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (O.03/55464)
KM-14      10000 Francs (1997) (old man; mosque; basket weavers)   185.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (01740813)
KM-15c     500 Francs 2006 (2017) (Lemur monkey; orchid flowers)     6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S30937xx) Sig.14: Imani Younoussa & Salim Ahmed Abdallah
KM-16c     1000 Francs 2005 (2017) (Coelacanth; boat catamaran)     11.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S71297xx) Sig.14: Imani Younoussa & Salim Ahmed Abdallah
KM-17c     2000 Francs 2005 (2017) (Market scene; mosque; huts)     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H06759xx) Sig.14: Imani Younoussa & Salim Ahmed Abdallah
KM-18b     5000 Francs 2006 (2011) (Saïd M. Cheikh; Mt. Karthala)   37.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (G331621) Sig.13: Mzé Abdou Mohamed Chanfiou & Salim Ahmed Abdallah
KM-18c     5000 Francs 2006 (2017) (Saïd M. Cheikh; Mt. Karthala)   35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H3873721) Sig.14: Imani Younoussa & Salim Ahmed Abdallah
KM-19c     10000 Francs 2006 (2017) (Friday mosque; Vanilla)        65.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (L3480488) Sig.14: Imani Younoussa & Salim Ahmed Abdallah


All sold out.


Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)

CD-2a      1000 Francs 15.2.1962 (River scene; waterbuck) F-VF     185.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CM3245711)
CD-11as    50 Makuta 2.1.1967 (Stadium; Mobutu) SPECIMEN  AU-UNC   195.00  [F] [B] [Add-to-Cart] (A000000)

NOTICE: ID # CD-16 to CD-79 see under ZAIRE.

Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)

CD-80r     1 Centime 1.11.1997 (coffee picker; Nyiragongo volcano)   2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A00316xxZ)
CD-81a     5 Centimes 1.11.1997 (Suku mask; Zande Harp)              2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B06710xxR)
CD-82a     10 Centimes 1.11.1997 (Pende mask; dancers)               2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C35614xxB)
CD-82aerr  10 Centimes 1.11.1997 (Pende mask; dancers) ERROR:
           lower serial# last digit "6" printed lower               10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C4830086C)
CD-83      20 Centimes 1.11.1997 (Waterbuck; Upemba National Park)   2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D37171xxL)
CD-84A     50 Centimes 1.11.1997 (Okapi Wildlife Reserve at Epulu)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E13528xxA)
CD-91A     50 Francs 4.1.2000 (Tshokwe mask; Fishermen village)      3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KA78744xxE)
CD-92A     100 Francs 4.1.2000 (Elephant at Virunga National Park)   3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MA84208xxM)
CD-93      10 Francs 30.6.2003  (Apui-tete Chef; Coupe en Bois)      2.85  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (H05353xxL)
CD-97b     50 Francs 30.6.2013 (Tshokwe mask; Fishermen village)     2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KE01266xxR)
CD-98a     100 Francs 31.7.2007 (Elephant at Virunga National Park)  2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (MC75591xxJ)
CD-98b     100 Francs 30.6.2013 (Elephant, Virunga NP; Inga II Dam)  2.10  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ME47036xxK)
CD-99a     200 Francs 31.7.2007 (Agriculture; telegraphic gong)      2.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (NB57492xxH)
CD-99b     200 Francs 30.6.2013 (Agriculture; telegraphic gong)      2.25  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ND39224xxK)
CD-100     500 Francs 30.6.2010 (Matadi port; Kinsuka bridge)        3.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (U14365xxA)
CD-101a    1000 Francs 2.2.2005 (Okapis; Kanioka coffret; parrot)    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (O11662xxA)
CD-101b    1000 Francs 30.6.2013 (Okapis; Kanioka coffret; parrot)   4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (QD-72707xx-K)
CD-101d    1000 Francs 4.1.2022 (Okapis; Kanioka coffret; parrot)    4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (QE98153xxU)
CD-102a    5000 Francs 2.2.2005 (Zebras; Hemba statuette; birds)    20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R04141xxA)
CD-102c    5000 Francs 30.6.2020 (Zebras; Hemba statuette; birds)   15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R75357xxP)
CD-103c    10000 Francs 30.6.2020 (Wildebeest; Chef Kuba; bananas)  25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (S2171768J)
CD-104c    20000 Francs 30.6.2020 (Giraffes; Bashilele; cranes)     45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T5477352E)

CONGO REPUBLIC (Kongo, Congo Brazzaville)

CG-101Cg   500 Francs 2000 (shepherd; zebus; Kota mask; baobab)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C-0011837xxx)
CG-102Cg   1000 Francs 2000 (coffee bean harvesting; tree logging)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C-00290744xx)
CG-103Cg   2000 Francs 2000 (Woman; tropical fruits; harbour scene) 30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C-0007445487)
CG-104Cf   5000 Francs 2000 (Oil rig and cotton workers)            50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (0026092332)

Private product (Test Note) designed by M. Gabris. Artist's Commemorative Essay Notes (Limited print).
Security features: Strong diamonds & buns style watermark. Fluorescing logo and security hairs:

CG-MG1     1000 Francs 2018 (Tribal nude Congolese woman; Acacias)  12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A.01/000304) (Size:163x85mm)


CK-6       3 Dollars (1987) 6th Festival of Pacific Arts, Rarotonga  6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AAR 0164xx) AU-UNC
CK-7       3 Dollars (1992) (churchgoers; Aitutaki; dancers; fish)   5.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AAA 3825xx)
CK-9       20 Dollars (1992) (worshipers leaving church; canoe) AU  30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AAA 117068)

COSMOS - Space Flown Money

Around the year 2000 the following banknotes have been taken on board of Russian and International Space 
Stations, were cancelled with onboard space station hand-stamps (seals) and authographed by cosmonauts. 
These items spent many days and months in space as stated on the authographed certificates of 
authenticity (see photos). It takes almost a year to prepare and fly each banknote in space. These 
banknotes are unique and available only one of each. Please note that these kind of items can not be 
pre-ordered and availability of these items is completely unpredictable.

COS-2      50 Russian Roubles 1997 (VF+) banknote authographed by
           another Russian Cosmonaut (see certificate). This note
           is cancelled on both sides with the seal of ISS
           (International Space Station) and comes along with an
           authographed certificate of authenticity.               300.00 [Photos] [Add-to-Cart] (PI 9310811)


CR-S122r   5 Colones 1.1.19(11) (J.M. Fernandez) without o/p        20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A-144185)
CR-236d    5 Colones 7.4.1983 (Castro; Allegory, National Theatre)   6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D509238xx)
CR-236d    5 Colones 4.10.1989 (Castro; Allegory, National Theatre)  5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D56974xxx)
CR-237b    10 Colones 2.4.1986 (R.F. Brenes; University; C. Bank)    9.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D4285922x)(Sig.69: Eduardo Lizano Fait; Rodrigo Bolaños Zamora)
CR-239     50 Colones 12.6.1974 (Yellow House) AU-UNC               25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C2039855)
CR-257a    50 Colones 7.7.1993 (G. Ortuno Y Ors; coin; bank)         5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E383153xx)
CR-264e    1000 Colones 27.9.2004 (Tomas Soley Güell; INS)           6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (D922805xx)
CR-265e    2000 Colones 14.9.2005 (Isla del Coco; Clodomiro Picado) 10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A386501xx)
CR-268A    5000 Colones 27.9.2004 (Pre-Columbian sculpture)         30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C269667xx)
CR-268A    5000 Colones 14.9.2005 (Pre-Columbian sculpture)         25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C310022xx)
CR-274a    1000 Colones 2.9.2009 (Braulio Carrillo Colina) polymer   6.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A0080164xx)
CR-275a    2000 Colones 2.9.2009 (Mauro Fernandez Acuña; shark)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A03105754x)
CR-281     2000 Colones 14.9.2018 (M.F. Acuña; Underwater life)     11.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B0072070xx)
CR-282     5000 Colones 14.9.2018 (A.G. Flores; monkey; swamp)      20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (C004376579)


CROATIA (Kroatien, Croatie, Hrvatska)

HR-16      1 Dinar 8.11.1991 (R. Boskovic; Zagreb Cathedral)         0.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (I17180xx)
HR-17      5 Dinara 8.11.1991 (R. Boskovic; Zagreb Cathedral)        1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B66016xx)
HR-18      10 Dinara 8.11.1991 (R. Boskovic; Zagreb Cathedral)       1.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B85255xx)
HR-19a     25 Dinara 8.11.1991 (R. Boskovic; Zagreb Cathedral)       1.20  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (11804721xx)
HR-20      100 Dinara 8.11.1991 (R. Boskovic; Zagreb Cathedral)      2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B97295xx)
HR-25      10000 Dinara 15.1.1992 (Ruder Boshkovich; Glagolitsa)     5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B83xxxxx)
HR-26      50000 Dinara 30.5.1993 (R. Boskovic; Mother Croatia)      1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E07984xx)
HR-27      100000 Dinara 30.5.1993 (R. Boskovic; Mother Croatia)     1.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A57130xx)
The item below (P-30xs, 20 Kuna) is an uniface note (no serial #,
no date, no signature) non-engraved note with both sides incompletely
printed - front "ghost" only):

HR-30xs    20 Kuna ND print trial 1 note (see photo)                 7.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
Below (P-34xs, 500 Kuna) is an uniface note with only front printed
(no serial #, no date, no signature) engraved plus another non-engraved
note with both sides incompletely printed - front ghost only). The
images show twin-note sheets (double the value) - yet what you are
getting below is half of it (two single pieces):

HR-34xs    500 Kuna ND print trial 2 notes (see photo)              32.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
HR-35xz    1000 Kuna ND print trial engraved uniface note (front)   20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart]
HR-34a     500 Kuna 31.10.1993 (M. Marulic; Diocletian's Palace)   250.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A4511763C)
HR-37      5 Kuna 7.3.2001 (Zrinski; Frankopan; Varazhdin Fortress)  4.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A4756xxxD)
HR-38b     10 Kuna 9.7.2012 (J. Dobrila; Pula Arena; Motovun)        5.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A67563xxT)
HR-39a     20 Kuna 7.3.2001 (J. Jelacic; Eltz Palace in Vukovar)    10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A8178xxxL)
HR-40a     50 Kuna 7.3.2002 (Ivan Gundulic; Ragusa Dubrovnik)       22.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A90241xxZ)
HR-41b     100 Kuna 9.7.2012 (Ivan Mazuranic; St. Vitus Cathedral)  45.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B0273982B)
HR-42a     200 Kuna 7.3.2002 (S. Radic; Osijek Municipality)        90.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A0490860U)
HR-42b     200 Kuna 9.7.2012 (S. Radic; Osijek Municipality)        85.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A9489306V)
HR-44      20 Kuna 30.5.2014 (J. Jelacic; Eltz Palace in Vukovar)    9.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A48329xxV)

CUBA (Kuba)

CU-80b     20 Pesos 1958 (Antonio Maceo)                            15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (J3281xxA)
CU-81a     50 Pesos 1950 (Calixto Garcia Iniguez; arms) AU-UNC      30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A778098A)
CU-112     1 Peso 1995 (Jose Marti; Castro with rebels in Havana)    4.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AA-05/524xxx)
CU-116i    5 Pesos 2006 (A. Maceo; Conference at Mangos de Baragua)  2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EI-23/3698xx)
CU-116j    5 Pesos 2007 (A. Maceo; Conference at Mangos de Baragua)  1.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EJ-48/4691xx)
CU-117h    10 Pesos 2005 (Maximo Gomez; machine guns at battle) UNC- 3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DH-22/3986xx)
CU-117i    10 Pesos 2007 (Maximo Gomez; machine guns at battle)      2.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DI-10/3752xx)
CU-122e    20 Pesos 2008 (Camilo Cienfuegos; agricultural scenes)    4.75  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CK-08/1338xx)
CU-123e    50 Pesos 2008 (Calixto Garcia Iñiguez; Gen-Biotec Ctr.)   9.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BH-23/0768xx)
CU-127a    3 Pesos 2004 (Ernesto "Che" Guevara; voluntary worker)    3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (FA-26/4930xx)
CU-128b    1 Peso 2007 (Jose Marti; F. Castro with rebels in Havana) 2.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (GH-21/010xxx)
CU-131c    500 Pesos 2021 (Ignacio Agramonte; Assembly) XF+         32.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ID-08/086588) Sig.25: MSW González
CU-131c    500 Pesos 2021 (Ignacio Agramonte; Assembly) AU          37.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (ID-22/061265) Sig.25: MSW González
CU-132b    1000 Pesos 2021 (Julio A. Mella; University) AU-UNC      55.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (JB-09/174867) Sig.25: MSW González
CU-FX1     1 Peso (1985) (San Salvador de la Punta castle, Havana)   3.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CA 4469xx)
CU-FX4     10 Pesos (1985) (Nuestra Señora de los Angeles de Jagua) 12.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CD 0222xx)
CU-FX6     1 Peso (1985) (San Salvador de la Punta castle, Havana)   2.85  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (HE 1111xx)
CU-FX9     20 Pesos (1985) (Castillo de la Real Fuerza, Havana)     15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (DD 106256)
CU-FX46    1 Peso Convertible 2007 (José Martí Monument & death)     6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AC05/3449xx)(Sig.22: Francisco Soberón Valdés)
CU-FX46    1 Peso Convertible 2011 (José Martí Monument & death)     6.50  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AD06/1905xx)(Sig.23: Ernesto Medina Villaveirán)
CU-FX47    3 Pesos Convertibles 2017 (Ernesto Che Guevara; rebels)  15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BE12/559316)(Sig.24: IMM Castrillón)
CU-FX48    5 Pesos Convertibles 2007 (Antonio Maceo Monument)       25.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CD10/029983)(Sig.22: Francisco Soberón Valdés)
CU-FX48    5 Pesos Convertibles 2011 (Antonio Maceo Monument)       24.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (CF15/439081)(Sig.23: Ernesto Medina Villaveirán)
CU-FX50    20 Pesos Convertibles 2006 (C. Cienfuegos Monument)      85.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (EB17/073776)(Sig.22: Francisco Soberón Valdés)


Sold out. Buying Curação banknotes, postcards & lottery tickets.

CYPRUS (Zypern, Chipre, Kypros, Kibris, Chypre, Cipro, Kipras)

CY-52      50 Cents 1.11.1989 (Cypriot woman; Yermasoyia Dam)       12.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (T196842)
CY-60d     1 Pound 1.4.2004 (Kato Drys village; Cypriot woman)      10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BG4404xx)
CY-61b     5 Pounds 1.9.2003 (Limestone head; Peristerona church)   35.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (R823730)
CY-62e     10 Pounds 1.4.2005 (Artemis; Fauna and flora of Cyprus)  70.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BV943170)
CY-63c     20 Pounds 1.4.2004 (Aphrodite; The Kyrenia sailboat)    110.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AH839295)

CZECH REPUBLIC (Ceska Republika, Tschechische Republik, Czechia)

CZ-6b      200 Korun 1993 (J.A. Komensky and his "Orbis Pictus") VF 30.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (A57 388888)
CZ-10b     20 Korun 1994(1995) (King Premysl Otakar I; crown; seal) 15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (B23 594xxx)
CZ-19      200 Korun 1998 (J.A. Komensky and his "Orbis Pictus")    20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F70 556356)
CZ-24      500 Korun 2009 (Bozena Nemcova; literary woman char)     50.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E39 969756)

CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Ceskoslovensko, Tschechoslowakei, Tchechoslovaquie)

CS-84a     25 Korun 1953 (Jan Zizka on horse; Tábor in Bohemia)     10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (AP 9284xx)
CS-85a     50 Korun 1953 (Partisan and soldier; Banská Bystrica)    15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (BD 697094)
CS-86b     100 Korun 1953 (Worker and farmer; Hradcany, Prague)     20.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (KM 001196)
CS-95      20 Korun 1988 (J.A. Komensky; tree of life)              10.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (E11 4037xx)
CS-96a     50 Korun 1987 (Ludovit Stur; view of Bratislava)         15.00  [Photo] [Add-to-Cart] (F67 4645xx)

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