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European Union: Germany 5 Euro 2002

European Union: Germany 5 Euro 2002
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Germany 5 Euro 2002 (Obverse: Classical architecture: Arch gate. Reverse: Classical architecture: Bridge with arches. Map of Europe and dependencies. Watermark: Classical arch gate; electrotype "5". Signature: Wim Duisenberg (ECB President, 2001–2003). Main colours: Grey and blue. Work by: Robert Kalina. Issuer: European Central Bank (ECB). Date of issuance: 2002. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton fibre. Printer: Giesecke & Devrient, Germany)

Dimensions: 120 x 62 mm

Catalogue Number: P-1x (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: About Very Fine (aVF) (circulated, used, with a 1 cm tear)

Texts: BCE. ECB. EZB. EKT. EKP. European Central Bank. Europako Banku Zentrala. Banc Central Europeu. Banca Centrale Europea. Europese Centrale Bank. Euroopan keskuspankki. Banque Centrale Européenne. Europäische Zentralbank. Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα. Banc Ceannais Eorpach. Banca Centrale Europea. Europäesch Zentralbank. Banco Central Europeu. Banco Central Europeo. Five Euro. Bost Euro. Cinc Euros. Cinque Euro. Vijf Euro. Viisi Euroa. Cinq Euros. Fünf Euro. Πέντε Ευρώ. ΕΥΡΩ. Cúig Euro. Penki Eurai. Cinque Euro. Fënnef Euro. Cinco Euros.

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