Home :: World Banknotes - F :: Fiji :: Fiji 50 Dollars (2012) (FFA0202505) UNC

Fiji 50 Dollars (2012) (FFA0202505) UNC

Fiji 50 Dollars (2012) (FFA0202505) UNC
Product Code:
55.00 ($ 57.75)
50 Dollars (2012) (Front: Wasekaseka - whale tooth necklace. Domodomo (canoe masthead) as registration device. Tagimoucia (Medinilla waterhousei). Hologram. Coat of arms. Back: Tubetube - Tabua (Presentation Tooth) ceremony. Yakona mixing for the Chieftain ceremony (Yaqona Vakaturaga). Domodomo. Watermark: Fijian man's head; Electrotype "50"; Reinforced cornerstones. Predominant colours: Red, orange and green. Artist: Unknown. Engraved by: Unknown. Signature: Barry Whiteside (Governor). Issuer: Reserve Bank of Fiji. Date of Issue: 2.1.2013. Legal tender: Yes. Material: Cotton. Printer: Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd) (Serial # FFA0202505) UNC

Dimensions: 151 x 67 mm


Catalogue Number: P-118a

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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