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Malta 5 Liri (1999) (B/33 241577) (circulated) VF

Malta 5 Liri (1999) (B/33 241577) (circulated) VF
Product Code:
25.00 ($ 26.25)
5 Liri (1999) (© Front: Emblem of the Central Bank of Malta. Figure of an allegorical woman Melita holding a rudder, a personification of Malta in control of its own destiny. Doves (symbolize peace). United Nations Emblem. Mosaic designs from the period of Roman presence in Malta. Back: Greek Doric capital column. Torri ta' L-Istandard (Torre dello Standardo, Flag Tower), Mdina. Greek key meander ribbon with integrated swastikas. Watermark: Allegorical turreted head of Melita (Malta) with castle on top, designed by the Maltese artist Emvin Cremona. Predominant colour: Blue. Designer: Unknown. Engraver: Unknown. Signature: Michael P. Bonello (Gvernatur – Governor, 1 October 1999 – 30 June 2011). Security thread: Segmented, exposed on the obverse, vertical, 1 mm wide. Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: Central Bank of Malta. First date of issue: 1st of June 1994. Date of issue: Circa 1999-2000. Withdrawn: 31 January 2008. Exchangeable until: 2 December 2002. Legal tender: Until 31 January 2008. Demonetized: 15 June 2008. Redeemable until (lapse): 31 January 2018. Total issue: N/a. Material: Cotton paper substrate. Printer: De La Rue, London, England, United Kingdom (DLR)) (Serial No: B/33 241577) (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 145 x 69 mm

Catalogue Number: P-46d (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used) GRADING INFO

Texts: Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta. Din il-karta tal-flus hija valuta legali għal — Ħames Liri — f'Malta u maħruġa bl-awtorità ta’ l-Att ta’ l-1967 tal-Bank Ċentrali ta’ Malta. Lira Maltija Lm5. Five Pounds. Che nessun' Uomo chiunque siasi possa avere autorità personale sopra la vita, properietà, o libertà di un altro. Il Potere risiede soltanto nella legge; ed il freno o la punizione si possono soltanto esercitare in Ubbidienza della medesima. MID-DIKJARAZZJONI TAD-DRITTIJIET 15 TA’ ĠUNJU 1802. "That no Man, whosoever he may be, shall have personal authority over the life, property, or liberty of another. The power resides in the law alone; and restraint or punishment can only be exercised in obedience thereto." From the Declaration of Rights, 15th of June 1802. Torri ta' L-Istandard, Mdina. Fiducia Fortis 1968.

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