Home :: World Banknotes - N :: Norway :: Norway 10 Kroner 1968 (M.6412471) (circulated) VF

Norway 10 Kroner 1968 (M.6412471) (circulated) VF

Norway 10 Kroner 1968 (M.6412471) (circulated) VF
Product Code:
10.00 ($ 10.50)
10 Kroner 1968 (Front: Portrait of Christian Michelsen (1857–1925) (based on a charcoal drawing by Erik Werenskiold), Norwegian shipping magnate and statesman. He was the first prime minister of independent Norway. Norwegian coat of arms (crowned shield depicting lion rampant bearing an axe). Seagulls in flight above waves. Back: Mercury (Hermes) holding the caduceus while jogging. Sailing ships making headway, based on a drawing by Henrik Sørensen. Watermark: Numeral "10" repeated throughout the note. Main colour: Orange-brown. Artistic collaborator: Arnstein Arneberg. Engraving: Thomas De La Rue Co. Ltd. Signatures: Erik Brofoss (Direksjonens Formann – Chairman of the Board of Directors / Governor 1954–1970); Rolf Christian Petersen (Hovedkasserer – Chief Cashier, 1965–1969). Issuer: Norges Bank – Central Bank of Norway. Number issued: 654 400 000. Date of First Issue: 1954. Date on the banknote: 1968. Date of withdrawal: 13 July 1999. Legal tender: No. Material: Cotton paper substrate. Printer: Norges Banks Seddeltrykkeri (NBS) printing plant closed its operation permanently on 29 June 2007) (Serial # M.6412471) (circulated) VF

Dimensions: 125 x 70 mm

PHOTO REMARK: The banknote picture is for overall design reference only (unless its serial number exactly matches its description). Photos displaying the entire banknote should not be treated as WYSIWYG for signature and date varieties, for exact serial numbers, grade, condition etc. Smaller supplemental photos of signatures (where available) are WYSIWYG indeed. Our textual descriptions are your reliable guide to what you will receive. What you read is what you get (WYRIWYG).

Catalogue Number: P-31d (SCWPM: Albert Pick; Krause Publications)

Grade/condition: Very Fine (VF) (circulated, used) GRADING INFO

Texts: Norges Bank. Ti Kroner. Ten Kroner. Noregs Bank. Norwegian Currency.

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