Home :: World Banknotes - C :: China :: China 1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (064052/2-B) (circulated) VF-XF

China 1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (064052/2-B) (circulated) VF-XF

China 1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (064052/2-B) (circulated) VF-XF
Product Code:
20.00 ($ 21.00)
1000 Gold Yuan 1949 (Front: Portrait of Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) in military uniform. Born as Jiang Ruiyuan (Chiang Jui-yuan) during his youth years Chiang was known as Jiang Zhiqing (Chiang Chi-ching). He was also known as Jiang Jieshi or Chiang Chieh-shih and Jiang Zhongzheng or Chiang Chung-cheng. Back: Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou, the capital of China's Guangdong Province. Watermark: None. Security features: Running serial numbers on the front of the banknote. Predominant colours: Brown and rose red. Artist: N/a. Engraver: N/a. Signatures: Gao Yuesheng (Gao Yu-sheng) (General Manager); Liu Siye (Governor). Security thread: None. Printing method: Intaglio. Issuer: The Central Bank of China (Established: November 1928). Date of Issue: 1949. Withdrawn: Yes. Legal tender: No. Total issue: N/a. Material: Cotton paper. Printer: Chung Hwa (Zhonghua) Book Co., Ltd.) (serial # 064052/2-B) (circulated) VF-XF

Dimensions: 150 x 61 mm


Catalogue Number: P-411

Grade/condition: Very Fine to Extremely Fine (VF-XF) (circulated, used)

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