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New Zealand 50 Dollars 2016 (AF16115715) Polymer UNC

New Zealand 50 Dollars 2016 (AF16115715) Polymer UNC
Product Code:
85.00 ($ 89.25)
50 Dollars 2016 (Front: Portrait of Sir Apirana Ngata (1874 - 1950). Porourangi Meeting House, built in 1888, designed by Major Ropata Wahawaha. The meeting house is significant for the Ngata family. It stands alongside the original Ngata family home and Waiomatatini Marae, near Ruatoria, and is a showcase for Maori art. Tukutuku pattern is known as Poutama and means stairway to heaven. It is a feature in the Porourangi meeting house. Back: Kokako or blue wattled crow (Callaeas wilsoni), a large native bird with a distinctive bluish-grey body with a black face ‘mask’ and sky blue wattles. The variety on the note is the North Island kokako. Pureora Forest Park, home to a large population of Kokako. Sky-blue mushroom (Entoloma hochstetteri), which grows throughout New Zealand. It is notable for its bright blue colour which fades with age. Tukutuku pattern is known as Poutama and means stairway to heaven. It is a feature in the Porourangi meeting house. Security features: Consecutively running horizontal and vertical serial numbers on the obverse of the banknote. Ultraviolet-fluorescent hi-lite block with the denomination "50". Bird and fern window on optically variable magnetic ink (OVMI). Clear window with holographic elements: NZ outline, bird, denominations. Main colour: Purple. Signatures: Graeme Wheeler (Governor, from 2012 to September 2017). Artist: Heni Tawhiwhirangi (Porourangi meeting house image). Date of issue: April 2016. Material: Polymer substrate. Issuer: Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Printing method: Intaglio. Printer: Note Printing Australia) Polymer plastic (Serial # AF16115715) UNC

Dimensions: 150 x 72 mm


Catalogue Number: P-194

Grade/condition: Uncirculated (UNC) (new, unused, mint)

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